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Thursday, May 26, 2011

I love lists

Growing up we had a chore chart and a schedule, as in handwritten and posted on the wall.
The chore chart showed each chore that I was responsible for and then after completed I would get a sticker, of course as I got older I ditched the stickers and got an allowance. 

The schedule on the other hand, was something I lived by. I seemed to be a child who liked to know the order of the day, and what was to come at the end of the hour, day, and even the week. This schedule helped me complete daily tasks and also feel a sense on security, since I never had to worry about things going in different directions. When I was pretty small the schedule and chore chart were combined and included things like make my bed, certain weekly activities, naptime, playtime, and dinner cleanup. 

Once I was in middle school they broke into two, the chore chart included things like feeding my animals, washing dinner dishes, and helping out with once a week cleaning. The schedule on the other hand was just like a weekly calendar that showed the order of the day, and the plans for the week, play dates, doctors, ect. 

Then high school hit, and at this point I was such a creature of habit that I went right out and got a planner with a homework assignment tab in it. When I could drive I would pencil in things like oil changes, and car wash. When I got jobs, I would add those things right into my planner.

Fast forward a bit to college, and it was here that my OCD schedule and list personality really came to life. I had a binder with my monthly, weekly, as well as daily schedule in it, I used one page for my paper budget {yes thats right most list makers also enjoy budgets}, shopping lists, & wish lists.I got a class & homework assignment tab and added that right into there as well. 

I carried this sort of living into my marriage as well, thats why I do the finances.. because that sorta thing is right up my alley. I use an excell spreadsheet type of budget, where each transaction is recorded, money is saved up for things, and debt is paid off. I also have a cleaning schedule, it shows what days I clean what, so that I stay on track. 

At this point in my life if one were to take away my "lists" I would have to be admitted into an inpatient therapy setting and follow some kind of 12 step program. This has become my way of life.. and I know that some of you reading this are the exact same way. You know exactly what i'm talking about.. we are the ones who have a list of the things to get done today, and every time something is accomplished you get that instant gratification of CROSSING IT OFF. Its a wonderful feeling, so much so that we are the same ones if if we notice we finished something that was not on the list.. {somebody out there is already finishing my sentence} well we just add that to the list just so we can cross it off. 

So what do these lists look like, well now I have learned to merge my list's with my schedules it makes life easy {for me}. I have a large dry erase calendar that has the things going on that day, any extras that week, hubs work schedule, my work schedule, the meal planning for the next two weeks, the grocery list, and the cleaning schedule. I also have a running list of anything we run out of in the house, but that is stored on my phone so I always have it with me. 

I keep a planner in my purse to so I can always see whats coming up. You may be laughing but get ready for this.. its color coded... My life is busy and thats the easiest thing for me. 

I first started brainstorming this color coding thing when I first started working at the hospital, it was a system they had.. for charting. One color meant the doctor had not yet signed off, another that there were scripts pending, one that they were being discharged, ect. I love it.. one glance and you kinda knew the status of that chart/patient. So I adapted this to my life, and it works for me. 

Now that I am working on loosing weight, and toning up.. you better believe that I have a calorie tracker sheet, and a workout log.. yea buddy.. thats just how my mind works. Spreadsheets are the way I think.. now I promise.. I am not a nerd, I really don't know that much about technology, and I don't even own anything from Apple except my ipod. This is just me... 

It was almost instilled into me as a child, and I rely on a schedule to keep things on track. 

wanna see what some of my sheets look like

Like what you see.. are you a list maker too???

These can all be printed off of
look under free downloads.

1 comment:

Mrs Not So Newlywed said...

And to think my husband thinks my lists are over the top! I have a menu on a small white board on the fridge with a running grocery list, a planner in my purse and phone with both of our detailed schedules, and keep our budget on our banks website's built in budget planner. The print off's are really cute though, so I may have to go look!