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Saturday, August 11, 2012


2.5- This is the number of Pounds I lost in my first week with my new trainer

Her plan is very simple to understand... 20 grams of sugar a day, 1200 calories, 3 liters of water, ABS- 3 times a week..... speaking of Abs... This girl is killing me with the Abs.. and I did the 300 with Shannon.. these are way harder, and hurt for days.

muscle fatigue is what she is going for with the cardio, strength training. I would certainly say it has been achieved!!!! Weigh in next tuesday... and hopefully more loss!!!!!

So what are some of my fav yummies right now?

Salad, with a 1/4 cup of fruit, like pears, apples, blueberries, and strawberries, with Paneras poppyseed fat free dressing.

30 calorie rice cakes with 1 Tbsp of PB2.

Chick fil a GRILLED nuggets.

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