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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

She said what....

In between my 4:30 am wake up alarm to get my butt to the gym, and working way more hours then I ever have.. since we all know this is peak season for photogs.. every body be wantin' the Christmas card photo!!!! I have a husband who is still recovering from major surgery, and way to may commitments I have made or groups I have joined... what keeps me going. It's this face.. it's this girl.. it's her smiles and her kisses...

For instance,

(We are pretty much potty trained unless someone is over and sista's gotta poo, she refuses to do it on the potty, so she ran past me with a book, climbed in our T.V. armoir cabinet, shut the glass door and said) " I bees out in minuet mom, i dust gonna hide in der and poopy"

(After dinner she hopped down from her chair and grabbed the handle to the freezer and told me) " I need a pos-i-cle, I gonna eat it ober dere den frow some duh four"

she has also been finding every small tree outside grabbing it and winding around and around singing " Winga, Wonga, Hosey... Pocka, pocka, hosey... ashes, ashes.. fall down"

These are the moments I want to remember from these early years, not that I was working way to many hours.

1 comment:

Shannon Dew said...

Hilarious! And I'm so jealous of your potty trained child! OMG! KP wants NOTHING to do with it, at all!