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Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Change

Since some of you are still following me from way back, I should bring you up to speed since I took a bit of a blogging break...
I changed up the hair!!!!

I know, I know.. I said I would be blonde forever, which quite possibly could be because I had been blonde forever until..... My amazing hairdresser Nicole (seriously if you are in the area, go check her out) at Fredrick David Salon talked me into going DARK.... VERY DARK.... 

{The amazingly talented girls from FDSalon)

For all of you BIG BROTHER fans, my inspiration came from DANI of BB13!!

This is what I thought I wanted..

This is what I was working with ... My always had been , thought I always would be BLONDE

I told her (my Hair Dresser) to just do whatever she thought was best.. She is so knowledgeable, that I knew she would give me an amazing new look!


Is What Mama's got going on NOW!!!!

Lemme just tell ya.... I LOVE IT!!!! I am loving being dark now!!!

1 comment:

Shannon Dew said...

You already know this but I LOVE IT!! I mean your eyes just POP now! It's such a fun, pretty change!