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Sunday, February 24, 2013


Emmaline LOVES to cook, infact no matter what I am cooking she wants to "help". This usually slows me down a bit on meal prep but I love that we are doing it together and she is learning how to do new things. This time I let her do the whole thing.. and she assembled the pizza all on her own! Sure, it looked pretty messy but she was ever so proud of what she did!

Just think though, most of the time the things we are most proud of, were a bit messy in starting until we got it all under control and perfected the skill.. messy is where you start, and sometimes we spend alot of time in this place, but in this place we grow, many times from our lack of knowledge and that we must rely on others for valuable information to accomplish our tasks.

I must remember this when Emmaline is "Messy", thankfully the Good Lord looks down on my "Messy" and doens't scold me or just take over, but gently guides me until I am able to prefect the task!

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