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Saturday, April 27, 2013


Not the kind that happen when your kid hasn't visited the bathroom in a few hours, however those are rough too, it seems that always happen as we are running out the door to get somewhere, and about 5 miles down the street with no change of clothes...

But the accidents I'm talking about are the physical ones, the slips and spills that require lots of hugs, bandaids, and ice packs.

I'm not sure about your toddler, but I feel like mine is ALWAYS getting hurt, and I like to think of myself as a pretty protective mom, I mean come on.. my heart skips a beat when my hubs throws Em up in the air to high...

But every time I turn around, she just had a spill, walking in front of the swings at the playground, tumbling down the steps, smashing fingers in doors.. I die a little every time, it's rough.. some of the times, like hand in the door, I cried right along with her.

When does this part get easier, when will she be better on her feet lol, when will I be able to cut back on my bulk purchases on first aid supplies.

Oh this girl, Oh how I love her... but, Oh she is accident prone!

1 comment:

The Mauers said...

This is SO funny (well not the part about your daughter getting hurt a lot!), but I was just talking about this today and how much Liana is accident-prone! Glad to know it's not just my 2.5 yo! Her shins are covered in bruises and she often trips, slips & gets fingers stuck in things:( Oi! It is seemingly endless. But nice to know someone understand her/my pain;)